Asian Arts Initiative denounces the approval of 76 Place + Organization Announcements

Stop me if you’ve heard this story already. A Philadelphia Mayor oversells the promise of a shiny new development, even if it displaces a community in the process. This was the story that Mayor John F. Street sold us about the Pennsylvania Convention Center, even though it would displace 200 residents in Chinatown, and displace cultural institutions like Vox Populi, the Asian Arts Initiative, and more than two dozen individual artists. The Convention Center did not bring the economic growth that the mayor promised, and now is a dead zone that further limits the neighborhood’s growth. In light of the Council’s vote on the 76ers Arena, history is repeating itself.
After Asian Arts was displaced, our leaders jumped into action. Founder and Executive Director Gayle Isa and Board President Eva Ray led the effort for the organization not just to relocate, but to purchase our next building so the organization would avoid falling into the same cycle of displacement that so often affects communities of color.
Asian Arts Initiative denounces the approval of 76 Place; the secretive negotiations that excluded the voice of Philadelphians who do not want this arena; the rushed vote schedule kept in lockstep with the Arena’s timeline; the insultingly insufficient Community Benefits Agreement; the actions of the majority of Council who voted against a clear mandate from their constituents, and offer gratitude to those few who continue to fight against this poorly planned and infrastructurally devastating land grab.
Asian Arts Initiative also lifts up the work of the Save Chinatown Coalition. In 2022, when we began organizing and holding programs against this proposal, many asked us, “Are you sure this won’t benefit the neighborhood?” Thanks to the Coalition’s work, those conversations now begin with “this is a bad idea because…,” and we’ve seen the movement expand to other neighborhoods, healthcare workers, educators, and individuals across the City. If you’ve just joined the coalition or have been here with us since the beginning, I hope you are proud of the groundswell of support we have built against the Arena.
Asian Arts Initiative will move forward in 2025 with a renewed focus on Chinatown. We are excited to begin work on a project that will prioritize the preservation of our neighborhood. And we are excited to continue the fight as a member of the Save Chinatown Coalition. This is a call to arms. City Council has proven itself to be weak and aligned with billionaires, and we the people will be called upon to keep our elected officials in check.
In 2025, we will also be putting out our call for a new Executive Director. We continue to enjoy the support of a dedicated and visionary Board of Directors, ensuring the health of the organization. And we celebrate Eva Ray, who steps down this year, and who so many years ago led the work to ensure Asian Arts’ future.
As we reflect on a year of growth and transformation here at Asian Arts Initiative, we’re excited to share some key updates with you. In 2024, we’ve had several staff advancements:
- - Dominique Chua, Programs Coordinator
- - Daniela Galindo, Lead Teaching Artist
- - Nila Devaney, Youth Leadership Initiative Teaching Artist
- - Jeanette Lloyd, Director of Marketing
- - Jino Lee, Brand & Publicity Director
- - Dave Kyu, Interim Executive Director
- - Liz Karcewski, Operations Coordinator (Jan 2025)
- - Ann Adachi-Tasch, Director of Development (Jan 2025)

Our Board has seen exciting changes too:
- - Sonia Pal, Treasurer since 2020, rolled off in July
- - Blessy Thomas, Treasurer as of July 2024
- - Catherine Lee, former AAI Manager of Development & Communications, Secretary January 2025
- - Eva Ray, on Board since 1998, Chair in 2004, former Secretary, rolls off in 2025

We wish you rest and rejuvenation as we reflect on this year. And we hope that in 2025, you will be ready to join the fight with us.
With care,
Dave Kyu
Interim Executive Director