I am Unity: Golden Collier
Unity at the Initiative: a multi-site visual exhibition and at-home experience centering art by and for Queer and Trans Artists of Color. I am:_____ is a blog series to get to know our partners.
golden collier (they ♡ he) of Diasporan Savant Press is a multidisciplinary artist and facilitator based in West Philadelphia. Their work often orbits the themes of self-determination, healing, and empowerment for QTBIPOC and their favorite mediums currently include film, movement, printmaking, and book arts. They are honored and excited to contribute to this beautifully-intentioned project!
Finish this sentence with a word or two: I am a:_______
an immigrant
What's the most half-baked hobby you took on since the COVID-19 shutdown?
making plans for 2021!
What are you binge-watching?
What's the last thing that made you laugh out loud?
my own mischievousness
If you were to create a signature skate move, what would the move involve/look like?
I would hover on that joint like a magic carpet!
Anything you'd like to share with the world?
you, just as you are right now, are complete and enough and worthy of respect, care, and the love you show others everyday.
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