We Got A Benefit...In A Box!
Philly friends!!!
How are you all keeping track of time? Because I truly do NOT know what day it is and honestly, what is even time?
Or what I’m reaaaalllly trying to say is, you’re already subscribed to AAI’s (**cough** MY **cough**) momentarily weekly newsletter AND blog so you know it’s Tuesday. You should tell ALL your friends to subscribe too because it hits on Tuesdays and what better way to know what day it is than to tune in to me, the speaker box for all that is fun and new at AAI like the ~~~drumroll plzzz~~~BENEFIT IN A BOX!
Let me first start off by saying that we’re SUPER bummed that we aren’t able to honor Gerry Givnish, Catzie Vilayphonh, and Maori Karmael Holmes like we intended to this year, but don’t worry, we’re going all out next year for them! Like rolling onto Pearl Street in our Teslas (being enviro friendly and all) to the tunes from The Beat of Resistance (yes, you should still be listening to this!)
At the end of the day, what’s the benefit but the spirit of community and coming together manifested on our third floor? So, we wanted to keep the benefit in some form or fashun.
>>>enters Benefit in a Box
s/Skate. Lots of stuff but you can check out what you’ll get → here. AND there’s more!
On May 13, I’m the MC for the Benefit live stream. We got some crazy talented local Asian American artists coming to the stream: Joseph Ahmed (modern circus), Messapotamia Lefae (lip sync), and Frank Sung (cardistry). The Benefit live stream will probably be on Twitch and FB Live. More on that later…
Anyway, get your Benefit in a Box before April 30! Because I got the inside scoop and they’re going like hot cakes. Oh and ICYMI, “I Am a Poet” drops tomorrow on our blog and social!