Sign up to be a Picture Pal!

Sign up to be a Picture Pal!
12 PM–2 PM on April 21, 2021
Seniors in Chinatown are facing a growing mental health crisis in prolonged isolation. We invite you to sign up to become a "Picture Pal," exchanging drawings and pictures with a Chinatown Elder, to share the joy of sending and receiving mail. For the cost of a drawing + stamp + envelope, you can help someone through this time!
Sign up to be a Picture Pal using our Google Form. You will be paired with a Chinatown Elder, and receive a name and mailing addresses to begin exchanging drawings.
Participants are requested to provide their own stamps and envelopes.
The partners will not sell or distribute your address.
The partners will not send any other solicitations.
The partners are not liable for any mail sent or received.
The program on individual volunteers, and cannot guarantee that one will receive mail.
The program is being designed to accommodate different language abilities, and participants should expect to encounter language barriers.
Questions? E-mail Dave Kyu, Director of Programs, at [email protected].
This project is being coordinated by On Lok House Senior Center and Asian Arts Initiative.