
Performance: OHYUNG

photo by Marion Aguas
  • WHEN


    Saturday, April 19, 2025


    Theater, Asian Arts Initiative

    1219 Vine Street, Philadelphia, PA

Organized as part of Crescendo: How Art Makes Movements (1981-1999), OHYUNG’s performance explores how the legacy of art and life of earlier artists continue to influence contemporary artists as well as the public to this day. The performance serves as powerful paradigms to which the contemporary artists respond in their diverse, individualistic practices.

OHYUNG, an alter ego and solo project of composer/ musician/artist Lia Ouyang Rusli, will present a performance featuring their new album You Are Always On My Mind. As a conversation between her trans self and her former self, the unstructured performance pushes boundaries, turning AAI's theater into a spectacle of excessive emotion that drives audiences to derangement. The performance's intense self-focus with full dopamine release offers transformative relaxation.

The performance opens with two acts, Anne Ishii x Clint Takeda and Asphalt Savannahs. You are on your feet all throughout the night.

You Are Always On My Mind came out March 28th co-released by Brooklyn’s NNA Tapes and the UK’s Phantom Limb.

Performance: OHYUNG


7 PM–9 PM on April 19, 2025


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